

Modern technologies are complex systems that include elements of different areas: electrical engineering, electronics, mechatronics, adaptive materials, adaptive elements and systems, their regulation, and computer control. This, in turn, requires professionals employed who have knowledge not only of their main field of specialisation and adjacent industries, but also of sectors that seem far and unrelated to the main field, such as medicine or biology. At the same time, skills and competencies are needed to interact with each other. In this context, students and future specialists need knowledge and skills in the interdisciplinary sectors. During the studies, the students get the basic knowledge of theoretical and practical principles of electrical technologies, knowledge in the design of electrical equipment and devices, automation and practical realization of automation systems. The studies provide the knowledge and skills necessary to start practical work and technician, as well as to continue studies at the higher level of academic or professional master studies.

Short about programme
Faculty of Computer Science, Information Technology and Energy
Programme type and level
Professional Bachelor (First Cycle) Studies
Study field
Power and Electrical Engineering, Electrical Technologies
Study form
Full-time studies

Awarded degree and qualification
Professional bachelor degree in adaptronics / electrical engineer
Required previous education
Secondary education
Price per year
€ 3 220 - EU countries
€ 3 220 - Non EU countries
Credit point amount
Duration of studies
Full-time studies - 4.5 years
Autumn / Spring

The general aim of the study programme is to provide professional training in the field of electrical engineering and electronics, as well as enable students to acquire the basic knowledge of electrical engineering, and to develop the necessary skills for the commencement of practical work. The aim of the study programme is to provide students with the opportunity to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge, develop professional, creative, and research skills in adaptronics, electrical engineering, electronics, mechatronics, adaptive materials, adaptronic elements and systems, their regulation and management, as well as facilitate the successful integration of students in the local and international labour market in a variety of industries and fields and prepares students for further studies at the professional master level in the respective area.


Tasks of the study programme:
- to provide knowledge of mathematics, physics, computing, biology, and materials science for solving practical tasks in electrical engineering;
- to teach to use computer technology skilfully and efficiently in order to solve tasks, design automatic control devices, and develop adaptive systems;
- to solve practical tasks in the field of electrical engineering at the project-oriented level;
- to apply knowledge of the adaptive properties of the animals and plants in the design of modern electrical technologies;
- to develop an understanding of the construction and operation principles of electrical equipment and automatic control systems;
- to develop skills in solving practical electrical engineering automation tasks associated with the project design;
- to develop an understanding of the energy efficiency of adaptronic equipment;
- to develop an understanding and knowledge of work organisation and social issues of work, as well as the principles of economic operation and innovation;
- to strengthen the knowledge of foreign languages.


Graduates can work as electrical engineers at any enterprise, performing the duties connected with the maintenance, development and design of electrical technologies.


Graduates can continue studies at professional master study programmes.

Specific conditions
