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The Education Model Will Have To Change At All Levels Due To AI Development, RTU Vice-Rector Shares in TVNET Story

13th of October, 2023

How will artificial intelligence (AI) contribute to changing the education model? In his article «The task of universities is to prepare students for the revolution of artificial intelligence,» published on the TVNET portal on October 13, Artūrs Zeps, RTU Vice-Rector of Strategic Development and Finance analyzes this conundrum, emphasizing that with the spread of AI, the education model at all levels must change and universities must prepare students for the challenges that AI will bring in the future.

Technological developments and the introduction of artificial intelligence into our everyday life is inevitable, Zeps shares in the article, adding, «to ensure that it is a benefit to society and the education sector, we must stop being afraid of this technology and instead think carefully about how to best use it.»

In the article, he emphasizes that the current dominant education model used globally is outdated and can be significantly adapted to the age of AI, because AI shows that the traditional model of lectures and exams alone will not be able to ensure an effective study process in the future.

«The less students need educators as the main source of knowledge, the more educators can focus on the ability to create, guide, critically evaluate learning and help students acquire skills that are much more important than memorizing information,» added Zeps, highlighting the many positive AI changes that can be implemented into education. 

He also underlined that the introduction of AI into the education system will force universities to reevaluate the role of lifelong learning, which will fundamentally change priorities and transform lifelong learning from the periphery of their activities to the forefront of their mission. 

«As a vice-rector, looking from the management bridge, I believe that the day will come when I have another digital assistant based on specific data, who will show me all the data that surrounds and interweaves RTU and the entire educational system of Latvia and the world,» he said.  

The article was written prior to the «The future is now - is Europe ready for the artificial intelligence revolution?» conference, which was held at RTU on October 13. The conference initiator was Ivars Ījabs, representative for the Renew Europe European Parliament group. 

The conference was held with the support of Latvian Mobile Telephone, with Riga Stradiņš University and RTU as co-organizers. Adding support were Draugiem Group, Mentor Club, KPMG Lighthouse, with TVNET serving as the informational partner. 

«The task of universities is to prepare students for the artificial intelligence revolution,» Artūrs Zeps, TVNET, 13.10.2023.

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Article published

13th of October, 2023 at 16:59

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