

To provide students with opportunities for personal development and the cultivation of their artistic talents, the RTU Culture Centre offers various avenues for different creative pursuits. Students are welcome to join any of the interest clubs hosted by the centre and take part in a variety of significant and exciting events. Whether your passion is singing, dancing, playing in a band, or being part of a student theatre, there is a thrilling journey of new experiences, friendships, and personal development awaiting you. Choose one of the ten interest clubs and immerse yourself in the local culture!

The Culture Centre offers a contemporary setting, modern equipment and a talented team for hosting a wide array of diverse cultural events, such as concerts, dance shows, theatre performances, exhibitions, and other creative pursuits both in Latvia and on the international stage. The central aim of the centre is to cherish cultural traditions and implement new ideas to engage and bring together the students and staff of RTU, and other higher education institutions, as well as a broader audience of enthusiasts.

The Culture Centre also offers students opportunities to participate in other events hosted at RTU, such as the Dance Club or guest lectures on culture-related themes. You can also get involved in planning and organising such events yourself! We encourage all students who wish to develop their artistic talents to join us in finding opportunities for creative expression.

As participants of any of our interest clubs, our students proudly perform on large stages and take part in the National Song and Dance Festival, the Baltic Student Song and Dance Festival “Gaudeamus”, and international competitions and festivals. They are the heart and soul of RTU’s cultural life.


Students can apply to attend different artistic groups by writing an e-mail:

RTU Folk Dance Ensemble «Vektors»
Artistic Director 
Dagmāra  Bārbale
RTU Male Choir «Gaudeamus»
Artistic Director and Main Conductor
Ivars Cinkuss
RTU Female Choir «Delta»
Artistic Director and Main Conductor
Ieva Parša
RTU Mixed Choir «Vivere»
Artistic Director and Main Conductor
Gints Ceplenieks
Mixed Choir of RTU Engineering High School «Izvēle» Conductor
Evelīna Marta Liepiņa
RTU Student Wind Band «SPO»
Artistic Director and Main Conductor
Māris Martinsons
RTU Post –Folk Ensemble «Daba San»
Linda Zonne-Zumberga
RTU Vocal Group «Jauna Nianse» Director
Enita Šminiņa
RTU StudentTheatre «Spēle» Director
Raimonda Vazdika
RTU Russian Student Theatre «Kamertonis»
Ludmila Stančika
RTU Folkdance Club    

Join us! It is an opportunity to enrichyour student life at the Riga Technical University.

RTU Culture Centre Contacts

Director of the RTU Culture Centre 
Ieva Ose
12 Azenes Street, room 104, Riga +371 26493217
Deputy director
Agnija Kārkliņa
12 Azenes Street, room 104, Riga +371 26313586
Public Relations
Līga Puriņa
12 Azenes Street, room 104, Riga +371 29119564
Artis Opmanis
12 Azenes Street, room 104, Riga +371 26344684