Staff mobility (Europe)

Staff mobility (Europe)

Erasmus+ supports:
– teaching staff of a higher education institution can apply for a teaching period abroad at a partner higher education institution. Staff mobility for teaching can be implemented in any study field.  

Training – any staff ( teaching or administrative) of a higher education institution can apply for a training period abroad at a partner higher education institution, enterprise or any other relevant workplace to facilitate personal and professional development. The mobility may take the form of training event (excluding conferences) or job shadowing and observation period. 

A staff mobility period abroad can combine teaching and training activities. Any teaching or training period abroad may be carried out as a blended mobility and it can take place in more than one receiving organisation in the same country, while being considered as one teaching or training period with the minimum duration of stay applying. 

Teaching and staff training mobility is implemented in Erasmus+ programme countries

  • Member States of the European Union: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Greece, Croatia, Estonia, Italy, Ireland, Cyprus, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Finland, Spain, Hungary, Germany, Sweden. 
  • Member States of EEA: Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein. 
  • EU Candidate Countries – Turkey, North Macedonia, Serbia. 

The primary focus of the higher education mobility action is to support mobility activities among the programme countries, however it is possisble to finance mobility to other countries of the world in a limited amount, in this case prior cooperation with the relevant university is considered a priority. 

Staff mobility for teaching


  • to encourage universities to expand and improve the range and content of the offered courses;  
  • to enable students who do not have the opportunity to participate in the mobility program to gain new knowledge and experience provided by foreign guest lecturer;s 
  • to promote the exchange of knowledge and experience of pedagogical method;s 
  • to motivate students and staff to engage in mobility and help them to prepare for the mobility period; 
  • to  promote more efficient use of the e-study environment of RTU; 

Award criteria: 

  • minimum duration of teaching mobility is 2 (two) days, excluding travel days, maximum – 2 (two) months, excluding travel days; 
  • a teaching activity has to comprise a minimum of 8 hours of teaching per week (or any other period of stay shorter than a week). If the teaching activity is combined with a training activity during a single period abroad, the minimum number of hours of teaching per week (or any other period of stay shorter than a week) is reduced to 4 hours; 
  • mobility is possible to a university that holds Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) and has signed inter-institutional agreement with RTU. 
Staff mobility for training 


  • to provide the opportunity to acquire knowledge and specific skills from the experience of foreign partners and to improve the practical skills necessary for work; 
  • to facilitate development of cooperation between universities and companies; 
  • to motivate staff to engage in mobility and help them to prepare for the mobility period. 

Award criteria: 

  • minimum duration of training mobility is 2 (two) days, excluding travel days, maximum – 2 (two) months, excluding travel days; 
  • the subject of training must correspond to the job duties approved in the employee's job description; 
  • mobility is possible to a university that holds Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) and has signed inter-institutional agreement with RTU, or to enterprise. 
Blended intensive programme (BIP)

It is a short, intensive programme of training or teaching, combining physical mobility (5 to 30 days)  with a virtual part (duration can differ). Any staff may participate the BIP to learn or to be trained (training mobility) or to deliver the BIP programme (teaching mobility). 


  • to develop and implement innovative teaching and learning practices in the participating higher education institution (HEIs); 
  • to facilitate a collaborative online learning exchange and teamwork; 
  • to enable staff to gain new perspectives on the topic as BIP should have and added value compared to existing programmes or courses. 

Award criteria: 

  • minimum duration of teaching mobility within the BIP is 2 (two) days, excluding travel days, maximum – 1 (one) month, excluding travel days. A teaching activity within the BIP has to comprise a minimum of 8 hours of teaching per week (or any other period of stay shorter than a week).  
  • physical mobility for training within the BIP must last between 5 and 30 days (excluding  travel time) and be combined with a virtual component.  
  • mobility is possible to a university that holds Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) and has signed inter-institutional agreement with RTU. 

Application, signed confirmation by the head of the unit and invitation from the host university or company must be submitted on the online platform (section Outgoing staff (Europe):  

Application for teaching

Application for staff training

Form of confirmation for teaching

Form of confirmation for staff training

Necessary documents before Erasmus + mobility:  

  • Mobility agreement signed by 3 parties; 
  • Business trip order in ORTUS Document System (the entire amount of the grant must be indicated in the travel expenses item, the grant calculation is provided by the Erasmus+ coordinator); 
  • Grant agreement (prepared by RTU Erasmus+ coordinator); 
  • Declaration of Trust (if green travelling criteria applies). 

Mobility agreement for teaching 

Mobility agreement for staff training  

Declaration of Trust for teaching mobility 

Declaration of Trust for training mobility 

Necessary documents after Erasmus+ mobility:  

  • a certificate signed by the host university/company stating the reason and period of the mobility; 
  • tickets/boarding passes or their copies; 
  • survey on the online platform Beneficiary Module (the link to a participant of the mobility is sent automatically by the system). 

Confirmation of performed Teaching Staff Mobility 

Confirmation of performed Staff Training Mobility

Erasmus+ grant
  • According to the order of RTU Rector, Erasmus+ grants are awarded and approved by the Erasmus+ Scholarship Commission of RTU; 
  • According to the Erasmus+ guidelines and the distance calculation tool created by the European Commission and the established rates, all travelling expenses are covered. In addition, to implement the green travel principle of mobilities an increased rate of road support is applied for the entire mobility period to participants who travel to and from the mobility country by bus, train or at least 2 mobility participants traveling in one car. Support is applied if the participant submits documents confirming the type and date of travel and signs the Declaration of Trust; 
  • The grant is paid for no more than 5 (five) working days, following the rates set by the European Commission. A working day is the day on which work takes place in the host institution; 
  • The grant is not paid for travel days that do not involve teaching or training; 
  • During one academic year, it is possible to receive a grant multiple times for teaching and/or staff training mobility; 
  • It is possible to apply for a mobility at any time you wish, providing at least 3 weeks for completing the formalities. 

Erasmus+ grants 2023/2024 

Contact Information

RTU International Cooperation Department, International Mobility Unit 

12 Azenes Street, room 316, Riga 

+371 67089055;  +371 29449770, 

+371 67089331,