RTU Latvian Maritime Academy
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RTU Latvian Maritime Academy

RTU Signs a Memorandum of Cooperation With the Hamburg Artificial Intelligence Centre

9th of May
RTU Innovation Vice-Rector Liene Briede (first from left) and RTU Riga Business School Director Claudio Rivera (first from right) sign a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Hamburg Centre for Artificial Intelligence. Photo: LIAA

Riga Technical University (RTU), RTU Riga Business School and the Latvian IT Cluster sign a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Hamburg Artificial Intelligence Centre (ARIC). The memorandum was signed at the German-Latvian Business Forum in Hamburg, which focuses on the development of digital innovations and the logistics sector.

ARIC is already working closely with scientific institutions and the start-up ecosystem in port development. This is an opportunity to innovate faster by testing the most appropriate solutions. Latvia can offer its experience in the development of major IT and AI projects, serving the public and private sectors. Liene Briede, RTU Vice-Rector for Innovation, emphasised that one of the areas of cooperation in the field of artificial intelligence will be the defence industry: «Defence is currently a focus both in Latvia, where this initiative is being promoted by the President of Latvia Edgars Rinkēvičs, and in Germany, so we see the prospect of cooperation in this area, working on research issues.»

Opening the business forum, Minister for Transport Kaspars Briškens emphasised that several German capital companies are already working in Latvian ports, and close cooperation is also taking place in the field of digitalisation. Projects such as «Rail Baltica» and «ELWIND» will mark new development opportunities, ensuring better connectivity. «Northern Germany is one of our priority areas with a high potential for cooperation in digital innovation and logistics. Our German partners underlined their interest in closer cooperation in the fields of digitalisation and energy. It is Germany that will potentially be one of the most important purchasers of green energy in our region. To a large extent, it is the availability and price of energy that will also determine our attractiveness in attracting investment in the manufacturing sector and other energy-intensive areas,» said Iveta Strupkāja, Acting Director of the Latvian Investment and Development Agency (LIAA).

Kaspars Ozoliņš, Member of the Board of «LVR Flotes», highlighted Latvia's advantages in the field of digital innovations in port infrastructure development. «Compared to many of Europe's leading ports, we look very good in innovation. We also see great opportunities for cooperation with the Port of Hamburg. We are already providing 5G coverage in the Port of Riga in cooperation with LMT, which allows us to model twin ships, take precise measurements online and use underwater drones.»

The business forum was attended by a Latvian business delegation of 30 people, as well as German business people looking for new partners in the Northern Corridor, which spans the Baltic and North Seas. The Business Forum is organised by LIAA in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Transport. The event is part of Latvia's external marketing strategy #MissionLatvia.

Latvijas dienas Hamburgā 2024

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Article published

9th of May at 15:35

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