Ambassador of Mexico Has Visited RTU

13th of February, 2020

On 13 February, the Ambassador of Mexico in Latvia Francisco Eduardo del Río López and the Mexican Honorary Consul in Latvia Carlos Arredondo Martinez met with representatives of the administration of Riga Technical University (RTU), getting acquainted with operation of RTU and its various cooperation projects with Mexico.

The Ambassador and the Honorary Consul were welcomed by the Rector of RTU, Academician Leonīds Ribickis, Vice-Rector for Research, Academician Tālis Juhna and Deputy Rector for International Academic Cooperation and Studies, Professor Igors Tipāns.

The RTU representatives acquainted the guests with RTU operation, history, scientific activities, as well as different cooperation projects implemented in cooperation with Mexican higher education establishments.

RTU has eight cooperation agreements concluded with different higher education establishments of Mexico – with Regiomontana University in 2014, with National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico, University of Michoacana and Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education in 2015, with University College of Jahualica in 2016, with Western Institute of Technology and Higher Education, University of Albert Einstein and Autonomous University of Queretaro in 2019.

As a result of the agreements, student exchange and other projects have been actively implemented. The tightest cooperation has been with Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, from where 40 exchange students a year arrive to RTU, as well as with National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico, from where 10 students study at RTU annually within the framework of the exchange programme. Six full-time students from Mexico currently study at RTU Bachelor and Master study programmes.

The cooperation between RTU and Mexico in studies and research has been also facilitated by the agreement concluded between the governments of Latvia and Mexico, which offers Mexican students grants for studies and research in Latvia, as well as for participation in RTU summer schools.

Francisco Eduardo del Río López resides in Stockholm. On 12 February, he arrived for an accreditation visit to the President of Latvia Egils Levits. This was the first visit of the Ambassador to Latvia.

Meksikas vēstnieka vizīte RTU

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Article published

13th of February, 2020 at 12:59

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