Further «Use Science» development - stakeholders involved in design

21st of December, 2012

Following the Central Baltic INTERREG IV A 2007-2013 financed  Project «Use Science: Leveraging Practical Use of Science for Innovation-Driven Entrepreneurship» plan the focus groups stage was completed in Riga Technical University. Two focus groups and round-up seminar took place during the last two weeks, involving different Project stakeholders. The first focus group included academia – scientists from university and research institutes, the second – entrepreneurs and business people (from different branches of economy – metalworking, building, energy related equipment development, etc.). The final round-up seminar was devoted to joint discussion, inviting all participants from the first and the second focus group. The participants highly appreciated the fact that they were invited to participate in the Project interface development, and mentioned professional focus groups management provided by Mr. Raitis Narvilis and Mr.Māris Millers.

«We are proud to say that involvement of different stakeholders in the Project interface development was successful – scientists and entrepreneurs actively participated in the focus groups, and we received useful information for further Project activities. Both business and academia understand that they must cooperate intensively in order to be competitive. I am sure that our Project will be the meeting place for them, and there will be plenty of new projects and products as output,» said the Project manager Mr. Modris Ozoliņš.

The next step in the project is devoted to the Project portal design and development, and extensive tests by academia and business. Currently more than 20 products/services provided by RTU scientific units are available on the Project testing webpage kit.rtu.lv, and in short time the first products, services and scientific equipment from Tallinn University of Technology will be available there as well. It is expected to have more than 1000 different positions available at the end of 2013. Universities and scientific institutes of other European countries showed interest to participate in the database with their offers, which means that the Project aim and target was chosen adequately – according to the needs in the target market, the covered area will develop, and number of partners will grow rapidly.

Aigars Laizans,
Manager of Project Communications

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21st of December, 2012 at 11:53

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