Riga Technical University achieved the E-xcellence label for Associates in Quality!

21st of December, 2012

Recently the Riga Technical University has joined the E-xcellence Associates in Quality. This means that we are recognized as operating in a continuous process of improving of e-learning performance. By achieving this label we demonstrate that we offer quality controlled e-learning and keep up to date with the latest developments. Furthermore that we use the E-xcellence instrument for benchmarked self-assessment on e-learning and take measures of improvement accordingly.

By becoming an E-xcellence Associate in Quality the Riga Technical University is  now part of a network of universities with opportunities to meet virtually with peers and experts in the field of e-learning. We will have access to the expertise of other universities and share our expertise with them in a virtual community.

Achieving the label started by a self-assessment and elaboration of a plan for improvements. This was followed by an on-site assessment provided by two e-learning experts: Jon Rosewell from the Open University, UK and professor Pekka Keess from the Oulu University (Finland).

The E-xcellence label is available for both blended and open universities and is valid for three years till the next self-assessment cycle of our university. The label is provided by the European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU), who is Europe’s leading body in lifelong open and flexible Learning.

With E-xcellence, EADTU is leading a European movement of universities that follow new developments and innovations in e-learning. The E-xcellence Associates are focusing on the improvement of four priority elements of progressive higher education: Accessibility, Flexibility, Interactiveness and Personalisation.

So far the label is rewarded to 11 universities all over Europe. A full overview of activities under the E-xcellence label and the open source tools and manual can be found at www.eadtu.eu/e-xcellencelabel/.

Professor Uldis Sukovskis
Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs

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21st of December, 2012 at 11:45

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