RTU and KHT Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, will launch a joint Doctoral studies program

20th of June, 2016


The Rector of Riga Technical University academician Leonīds Ribickis and Vice-Rector for Research professor Tālis Juhna as the members of the delegation of the Prime Minster Māris Kučinskis visit the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences and KHT Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) to sign an agreement on the launch of a joint Doctoral studies program in the field of environmental engineering and biotechnology.   

New Doctoral studies program will commence in autumn of the current year. The program is based on the cotutelle principle, when Doctoral students develop their dissertations studying simultaneously at RTU and KTH, as a result obtaining a joint degree from both universities. In autumn of 2016, a researcher of RTU Water Research Laboratory Brigita Daļecka will start her studies at the new program.

So far, cooperation between KTH and RTU has involved student and academic staff exchange visits as well as numerous lectures delivered by guest professors. Both universities have implemented joint research projects in the fields of energy efficiency and urban planning. RTU and KTH have also successfully cooperated in establishing BALTECH Study Centre, which offers students of seven engineering universities from the Baltic Sea Region the opportunity to enroll for international Master study programs in management.

In 2003, RTU in cooperation with the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences founded a membership association CONNECT Latvija, which aims at promoting innovative entrepreneurship in Latvia. 

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20th of June, 2016 at 9:25

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