Xidian University delegation visit at RTU

22nd of July, 2013

On Monday, 22nd July 2013, a delegation from Xidian University visited RTU. A meeting with the Deputy Rector for International Students Igors Tipāns as well as an International Relations Department Project Manager Renāte Roga was held and various aspects of collaboration between both universities were discussed. 

The visit began with the delivery of a memorandum of understanding, signed due to previous communication and was followed by an insight of the RTU international activities provided by the RTU Deputy Rector. Members of the Xidian University delegation gave a presentation about their university and demonstrated a video regarding education and life at the Xidian University campuses.

Various common fields of activity were discovered during the visit and both parties expressed interest in fruitful future cooperation not only in exchange of students, but collaboration in research as well.

Towards the end of the visit RTU and Xidian University representatives exchanged gifts. A possible meeting in the near future was also mentioned, regarding a RTU planned visit to China this fall.

International Relations Department

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22nd of July, 2013 at 16:06

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