
Solutions for Unified Communication Competences for Engineering Students and Specialists
Project title: Solutions for Unified Communication Competences for Engineering Students and Specialists
Project short title: Success
Number of project implementation agreement: 2021-1-LV01-KA220-HED-000031178
Registration number: 4559
Department: International Students Foundation and Short-Term Courses Unit
Administrating department: International Students Foundation and Short-Term Courses Unit
Finance fund: ERASMUS+
Project RTU role: leading partner
Status: In implementation
Project start date: 01.11.2021.
Project end date: 01.11.2024.
Title of grant issuer: Valsts izglītības attīstības aģentūra
General manager: Nataļja Muračova
Administrative manager: Nataļja Muračova
Total finance:
364 735.00 EUR
  • Technical University of Dresden
  • Technical University of Cartagena
  • Association Leonard de Vinci
  • Paul Francis East
Project published on RTU website: 01.11.2021.
