
Unused natural mineral resources of Latvia for the development of innovative composite materials for phosphorus recovery from small municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants to implement the principles of circular economy
Project title: Unused natural mineral resources of Latvia for the development of innovative composite materials for phosphorus recovery from small municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants to implement the principles of circular economy
Project short title: CircleP
Number of project implementation agreement: lzp-2021/1-0090
Registration number: 4594
Department: Water Systems and Biotechnology Institute
Administrating department: .
Finance fund: LZP fundamentālo un lietišķo pētījumu projekts
Project RTU role: project partner
Status: In implementation
Project start date: 03.01.2022.
Project end date: 30.12.2024.
Title of grant issuer: Latvijas Zinātnes padome
General manager: Kamila Gruškeviča
Administrative manager: Anete Rutka
Total finance:
Projekta kopējais finansējums: 299 999.70 EUR, RTU finansējums ir 78 431.00 EUR
  • University of Latvia
Project published on RTU website: 03.01.2022.
