
Building the digital capacity of higher education institutions through the integration of online learning resources and analytics intelligence
Project title: Building the digital capacity of higher education institutions through the integration of online learning resources and analytics intelligence
Project short title: EduAim
Number of project implementation agreement:
Registration number: 4697
Department: Latvian Maritime Academy
Administrating department: Latvian Maritime Academy
Finance fund: ESF,ākuma "Digitalizācijas iniciatīvas studiju kvalitātes pilnveidei
Project RTU role: project partner
Status: Ended
Project start date: 30.10.2022.
Project end date: 31.12.2023.
Title of grant issuer: Centrālā finanšu un līgumu aģentūra
General manager: Inguna Sīmane
Administrative manager: Irina Skurska
Total finance:
€ 1,321,314.82
  • Liepājas Universitāte
  • Daugavpils Universitāte
  • Vidzemes Augstskola
  • Rēzeknes Tehnoloģiju akadēmija
Project published on RTU website: 31.10.2022.
