
Project title Number of project implementation agreement Department Period
Aesthetics and Ecology in Technological Education 2021-1-IE02-KA220-HED-000031130 International Projects Unit 21.02.2022 - 20.02.2024
EU Digital Wallet Payment Use Case - Support to the implementation of the European Digital Identity Framework (EDIF) and the implementation of the Once Only System under the Single Digital Gateway Reg 101102740 Department of Information Technology 01.04.2023 - 31.03.2025
Epistemology and Ecology in Technological Education 2023-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000155474 International Education Research Centre 01.11.2023 - 31.10.2026
EOSC-Nordic 857652 Institute of Radioelectronics 01.09.2019 - 30.11.2022
DEVELOPMENT OF ENERGETIC AZIDOPURINES AND THEIR CONGENERS 2023/1 Institute of Technology of Organic Chemistry 01.02.2023 - 31.10.2023
Enerģētikas un klimata modelēšana virzībā uz oglekļa neitralitāti VPP-EM-2018/NEKP-0001 Department of Environment and Energy Systems 07.12.2018 - 06.12.2021
Energovienoti līgums vēl nav noslēgts Institute of Energy Systems and Environment 30.09.2022 - 30.09.2025
Energoefektīvu un enerģētiski pašpietiekama koka karkasa saliekamā ēka ZI-2023/5 Department of Heat Engineering and Technology 02.01.2023 - 31.12.2023
Research of Energy Storage System for Energy Efficient Lifting Devices KC-PI-2017/51 Department of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Technolo 29.01.2018 - 28.07.2018
Energoefektivitātes rīcībpolitikas novērtējums un analīze VPP-EM-EE-2018/1-0004 Department of Environment and Energy Systems 11.12.2018 - 10.12.2021
Energy efficient and reliable heat supply solutions Institute of Heat, Gas and Water Technology 01.02.2019 - 31.01.2022
Finding Endometriosis using Machine Learning (FEMaLe) 101017562 Institute of Applied Computer Systems 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2024
Eļļas intensīvas ekstrakcijas metodes izstrāde un salīdzināšana ZI-2022/5 Institute of General Chemical Engineering 03.01.2022 - 31.12.2022
E-participation in urban planning in the Baltic States: experiences, impact, and potentials Research Center for Urban Planning 01.02.2020 - 31.01.2023
Elektrodu un elektrolītu izpēte amfotēras atsaistītas uzlādējamas baterijas iegūšanai lzp-2021/1-0142 Institute of Materials and Surface Enginering 03.01.2022 - 30.12.2024
UV-assisted 3D-printing of Ionic Electroactive Polymer Actuators for Soft Robotics ES RTD/2021/8 Department of Polymer Materials Technology 01.05.2021 - 30.06.2023
Research and Development of Electrical, Information and Material Technologies for Low Speed Rehabilitation Vehicles for Disabled People Institute of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineeri 01.03.2017 - 29.02.2020
Smart Thermal Management in Electric Drives with Built-In Heat Pipes/Loops for Better Reliability and Functionality Department of Electrical Machines and Apparatus 01.06.2021 - 30.11.2023
Electrical GRID DESIGN methods and tools, considering smart technologies and market conditions Institute of Power Engineering 01.04.2019 - 31.03.2022
Structural Health Monitoring of Buildings under Ambient Vibrations Institute of Structural Engineering 01.01.2020 - 31.12.2022

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