Student life

Is it difficult to find housing in the city?
There are several options for finding housing in Riga. One option is RTU’s dormitories, so we suggest you check with RTU’s accommodations office. Another option is checking availability for public dormitories, such as Duck Republic or SHED. The most popular option is renting – you can find options for apartments on Facebook marketplace, Facebook groups or For tips on finding housing and staying safe while doing so, check Latvian Student Associations Housing Guide here.
What is the atmosphere like among students and faculty?
The atmosphere at RTU is is incredibly positive and vibrant. There is a strong sense of community and collaboration in every interaction. Students are eager to learn, creating an environment where curiosity and innovation thrive. Faculty members knowledgeable and passionate about their subjects, as well as genuinely invested in the success and well-being of their students. Since we welcome more than 5000 international students every year, RTU fosters a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere where everyone feels valued and motivated to achieve their best.
Are there sports clubs or opportunities I can join in on?

Our university offers a range of sports clubs and opportunities for you to join! Whether you're an avid athlete or just looking to stay active and meet new people, there's something for everyone. At the moment RTU students can choose between the following sports activities – Basketball, Body Toning, Boxing, Football, Gym, Interval Training, Rock Climbing, Swimming, Volleyball, Water aerobics and Yoga. Additionally, our sports facilities are open to all students, offering even more opportunities to engage in physical activities. So, no matter your interest or experience level, you'll find plenty of ways to get involved and enjoy the vibrant sports community here!

Find out more on RTU Sports Centre website.

What extra-curricular activities are offered?

Our university offers a diverse array of extra-curricular activities that cater to a wide range of interests and passions. Here’s a glimpse into some of the exciting opportunities available:

  • Get involved with our Culture Centre: folk dance ensembles, choirs, a brass band, and student theatre.
  • Join a sports team: basketball, football, volleyball, cheerleading, gymnastics, track and field, and many more.
  • Become a member of our Student Parliament and be the voice of RTU students!
  • Build robots and participate in championships in Latvia, Europe, Japan, and the USA as part of our Robotics Club.
How can I join in on International Students council?
Each student of RTU has the right to take part in ISC activities and works such as: organising various types of events for international, as well as Latvian students, to represent the interests of international students, to learn about new cultures and find new international friends. As an RTU student, for a chance to be a part of ISC, write to or DM @rtusp_isc on Instagram.
Can I get a part-time job while studying?
Bachelor students are allowed to work part-time (20 hours a week, 40 hours during the summer after the semester has concluded), while Master’s and PhD students can work full-time all year round (40 hours a week). RTU offers networking opportunities for students to connect with industry representatives, but it is ultimately the student's responsibility and initiative to secure a job position.
Is there a student discount card offered in Latvia?

Latvia offers ISIC student discount card that provides various benefits and discounts for students.

The ISIC card is widely recognized in Latvia and internationally. It offers a range of discounts and benefits both locally and abroad.

Eligibility: Full-time students aged 12 and above from accredited educational institutions.

Benefits: Discounts on public transport, retail stores, restaurants, cinemas, museums, and more. It also provides access to international discounts and services.

How to Obtain: You can apply for an ISIC card through your educational institution or online via the official ISIC Latvia website. You’ll need to provide proof of student status and a recent photograph.


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