Particle Physics and Accelerator Technologies

Particle Physics and Accelerator Technologies

The overarching goal of the study programme is to prepare world-class specialists in fields of high-energy particle physics, accelerator technologies and other closely related disciplines, such as particle detector technologies and accelerator physics. During their degree the students will acquire a strong understanding of the theory pertaining to their respective study direction, allowing them to successfully perform scientific research in their field of study. Likewise, students will be given the opportunity to acquire and develop their knowledge in skills that are needed for successfully undertaking their scientific activities, such as computing, programming and computer-aided design skills. The focus of the study programme is on scientific research activities, during which students will be able to acquire, develop and hone all the necessary abilities to continue a successful career in research. Students will also be given an opportunity to spend a prolonged time at an appropriate scientific laboratory, such as a long-term attachment (LTA) at CERN.

Short about programme
Doctoral Studies Unit
Programme type and level
Doctoral (Third Cycle) Studies
Study field
Physic, Materials Science, Mathematics and Statistics
Study form
Full-time studies

Awarded degree and qualification
Doctor of science (Ph.D.) in natural sciences or doctor of science (Ph.D.) in engineering and technology
Required previous education
Second cycle professional higher education (master degree or comparable education) of natural sciences or engineering
Price per year
€ 10 700 - EU countries
€ 10 700 - Non EU countries
Credit point amount
Duration of studies
Full-time studies - 4 years
All year long

The main goals of the study programme are: to prepare world-class researchers for the work in universities and research laboratories, as well as highly-qualified and innovative workforce in general; to offer an otherwise unavailable in Latvia opportunities to study and perform research in high-energy particle physics and accelerator technology development, thus counter-weighting the potential drain of human resources from the country; to grow the scientific capacity in high-energy particle physics and accelerator technology development, as well as the capacity in natural and engineering sciences in general.


The tasks of the study programme:
- to prepare world-class specialists in high-energy particle physics and accelerator technologies;
- to provide students with such experience as to make them a sought-after workforce both in science and in the wider economy;
- to strengthen the scientific research community in Latvia and to strengthen the scientific collaboration between Latvia and CERN.


Graduates of the study programme will be able to work as highly skilled workforce in a plethora of occupations. Graduates will have substantial skills in data analysis, as well as high-level skills in computing, programming and/or computer-aided design. Graduates will be a highly attractive workforce for scientific institutions both domestically and abroad.


Lifelong learning and courses for further training.

Specific conditions

English language proficiency equivalent to at least CEFR B2 level.

Study programmes in this department