Smart Power Systems

Smart Power Systems

The study programme has been designed as a united and optimised professional master programme that is open both to graduates of the professional bachelor programme and graduates of the second-level higher professional study programme. The master programme is aimed at meeting the requirements of electric power systems and networks as well as the power utilities sector of the labour market in the Republic of Latvia and abroad with the necessary specialists.
The graduate of the programme will be able to identify the needs of the power sector and to apply smart technologies for economical and efficient use of electric power, integrating the knowledge gained in the study process within the field of modern-day electric power systems.

Short about programme
Faculty of Computer Science, Information Technology and Energy
Programme type and level
Professional Master (Second Cycle) Studies
Study field
Power and Electrical Engineering, Electrical Technologies
Study form
Full-time studies

Awarded degree and qualification
Professional master degree in power and electrical engineering / leading electrical engineer
Required previous education
Professional bachelor degree in electrical science and qualification of electrical engineer, or second-level professional higher education (first cycle professional higher education) and qualification of electrical engineer
Price per year
€ 4 660 - EU countries
€ 4 660 - Non EU countries
Credit point amount
Duration of studies
Full-time studies - 2 years
Autumn / Spring

Training of a new generation of graduates in the fields of electric power networks and systems, recording and monitoring of their operation modes, as well as stability and reliability, by actively implementing smart technologies, namely:
• optimal control technologies, applicable to the energy market, as well as to generation, transmission, distribution, consumption, and energy saving;
• expertise in energy demand and saving, techniques for efficient use of energy in construction, manufacturing, the primary sector, and transport;
• development and integration of various control systems and energy efficiency models.


The main task is to prepare well-qualified specialists for successfully addressing future problems:
• monitoring and control of operation modes for all the participants involved in the process of energy generation, transmission and consumption (producers, traders, large and small consumers);
• quick response to changes in various parameters of the power system as well as reliable power supply in the transmission and distribution networks, with a large proportion of produced wind and solar power;
• achievement of effective and modern decentralised control of a distributed power system;
• educational work among passive consumers (the small consumers of renewable energy sources), turning them into active participants of the demand response process as prosumers, in order to ensure effective implementation of the gains.


Studying according to the study programme, the student acquires a stable base knowledge and understanding regarding the theoretical and practical issues within the power and electric engineering field, required for starting practical work at power and electric engineering enterprises of various types and for continuing studies at study programmes of a higher level.


Entitled to pursue further studies at PhD programmes.

Specific conditions
