Aviation Transport


The study programme provides knowledge that complies with the requirements of the state standards of the higher professional education and international documents regulating the air transport related professions. The programme provides the level of knowledge required for performing professional responsibilities defined by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in compliance with the European Commission Regulation (EC) No 2042/2003. The scope and contents of the study programme comply with the requirements defined by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), Civil Aviation Agency (CAA) of the Republic of Latvia, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia and with the professional standard: Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (PS - 127) with specializations Aircraft Maintenance Mechanical Engineer (2144 - 44) or Aircraft Maintenance Avionics Engineer (2152 - 08).

Short about programme
Faculty of Civil and Mechanical Engineering
Programme type and level
Professional Bachelor (First Cycle) Studies
Study field
Mechanics and Metal Processing, Heat Power Engineering, Heat Technology, and Mechanical Engineering
Study form
Full-time studies

Awarded degree and qualification
Professional bachelor degree in aviation transport / aircraft maintenance engineer
Required previous education
Secondary education
Price per year
€ 3 220 - EU countries
€ 3 220 - Non EU countries
Credit point amount
Duration of studies
Full-time studies - 4 years

The aim of the study programme is to have a wide profile and high quality Internationally recognized professionals with an integrated second-level professional in the field of education in the aviation transport sector and capable of performing maintenance on aircraft mechanical equipment, in the provision of technical maintenance and repair of mechanical equipment, aggregates and assemblies, as in the provision of technical maintenance and repair of aircraft electronic, radio-electronic, electrical and electromechanical equipment, aggregates and assemblies. The necessary knowledge, skills and competences acquired during the studies enable the aviation transport maintenance engineer to successfully integrate into the international labour market, participate in the execution of scientific research, methodical renovation and maintenance of the infrastructure of the aviation transport sector and the opportunity to continue studies in the master's degree..


The tasks of the study programme:
- to ensure the continuous improvement of the quality of the aviation sector by training highly qualified educational specialists for the private and public sectors in the field of aviation transport;
- to develop students' ability to plan the tasks of an engineer related to the maintenance of aircraft mechanical equipment or the use, supervision, maintenance of electronic, electrical and electromechanical equipment;
- to develop the ability to analyse economic aspects, plan the work to be carried out, prepare mechanical or electronic equipment for operation in accordance with the applicable regulatory instructions;
- to develop students' ability to perform professional, innovative and research activities in the field of aviation transport, which would be the basis for reviewing the regulatory documentation of mechanical or avionics equipment and introducing new requirements;
- to develop students' abilities to independently acquire, select and analyze information of the aviation transport system and use it, make decisions and solve problems in the field of maintenance and operation of mechanical or electronic equipment of aviation transport;
- to promote cooperation between students and academic staff in the development of scientific works and practical implementation of the obtained results in aviation companies, as well as to publish the obtained results;
- to stimulate the interest of students and graduates in studies in higher level study programs, lifelong learning, as well as to improve knowledge about innovations in the field and in the field of professional activity.


An aircraft maintenance engineer works in organizations and companies that use aircraft, perform technical operation, maintenance and repair.
The maintenance engineer performs tasks related to the use, monitoring and maintenance of aircraft mechanical equipment, performs tasks related to the use, monitoring and maintenance of electronic, electrical and electromechanical equipment of aircraft, prepares electronic and electrical devices for work, and also performs research work in the field of aircraft maintenance and operation.


The obtained professional bachelor degree in air transport provides the opportunity to study at the professional or academic master study programmes.

Specific conditions

English language proficiency equivalent to at least CEFR B2 level.