Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering

The study programme has been developed in line with RTU Strategy and requirements of the study field “Architecture and Civil Engineering”. Students develop the envisioned skills and competences under guidance of academic and research personnel with European qualifications, who in their daily work render expert services at the national and international level, as well as highly qualified academic staff with many years of professional experience. The study programme facilitates the development of the overall education export potential; it is aimed at promoting interest in education in the field of civil engineering. Innovative teaching and learning methods are employed in study programme implementation – special focus is made on the development of practical skills and active use of modern technologies. The language of instruction is English.

Short about programme
Faculty of Civil and Mechanical Engineering
Programme type and level
Academic Bachelor (First Cycle) Studies
Study field
Architecture and Civil Engineering
Study form
Full-time studies

Awarded degree and qualification
Bachelor degree of engineering science in construction and civil engineering
Required previous education
Secondary education
Price per year
€ 4 400 - EU countries
€ 4 400 - Non EU countries
Credit point amount
Duration of studies
Full-time studies - 3 years

The aim of the study programme is to educate and train highly qualified multi-discipline specialists with academic education, characterized by systemic thinking and awareness, who are able to keep up to date with technological development and successfully participate in launching new technologies, as well as to provide students with the body of knowledge, skills and competences in accordance with the requirements of the 6th level of the European Qualifications Framework.


The tasks of the study programme:
- to ensure competitive higher academic education corresponding to the international standards, to prepare students for practical work, to develop research skills of the students and promote their practical application;
- to develop student ability to adapt technologies and systems developed abroad for the local conditions;
- to develop student knowledge and advance their professional skills and competencies within the study programme, so that they can demonstrate relevant academic results and reach learning outcomes in each study year and integrate them in research;
- to develop student ability to implement innovative projects aimed at ensuring sustainable construction and reduction of environmental pollution;
- to provide students with comprehensive knowledge in civil engineering, to develop student professional skills and develop their competence in accordance with the labour market demands;
- to develop student ability to recognize problems, set and reach aims for their solution, suggesting practical solutions to specific problems within study courses and graduation papers;
- to promote cooperation among students and academic staff in the process of development of research papers, adopting best practices in the practical implementation of the obtained results at industry enterprises, as well as to ensure publication of the research results;
- in the course of studies, to develop student intelligence, to encourage their personal fulfilment, to promote the application of their intellectual abilities in the study process and further in their professional activities;
- to motivate students and alumni to continue studies at post-graduate study programmes, to promote life-long learning, as well as academic and research excellence.


Graduates of the study programme may use the cross-disciplinary knowledge in civil engineering they have acquired working in construction and related industries, they will be able to integrate into the construction enterprises, work at state institutions on the development and introduction of construction regulations, at the level of municipalities, they will be able to participate in the development of the construction industry. Graduates of the study programme will be also able to conduct research in civil engineering, as well as develop and implement construction projects.


The graduates of the study programme have the opportunity to continue studies at the master study programmes.

Specific conditions

English language proficiency equivalent to at least CEFR B2 level.