Chemistry, Materials Science and Engineering

Chemistry, Materials Science and Engineering

The study programme is the only study programme in this field in Latvia. The study programme envisages training of specialists in chemistry, chemical engineering and materials science for enterprises dealing with processing and manufacturing chemistry, biotechnology and pharmaceutical products, food, cosmetics, fuel, wood, ceramics, textile and building materials scientific institutions and research laboratories. The acquisition of knowledge specific to the specialization and study field of design, synthesis, processing and analysis of substances (organic, inorganic and elementorganic), materials (biomaterials, polymers, inorganic and composite materials) and processes (chemical, materials and environmental technologies) is planned during the study courses and scientific research. In the free elective part, in parallel with the acquisition of theoretical knowledge, an opportunity is given to the students to acquire practical skills in pedagogy, to acquire scientific research methodology and techniques, to participate in scientific seminars and conferences. The progress of doctoral studies will be supervised by an advisory council set up individually for each student.
The acquired knowledge in chemistry, chemical technology, materials science and physics will allow the graduate to work in companies of various fields, where leading natural and engineering specialists are required with knowledge of chemical and physical processes, ability to ensure process quality, develop new methods and equipment, create, design and implement new, innovative technologies. Such knowledge is also required when working in testing, quality control and research laboratories for various materials and products.

Short about programme
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology
Programme type and level
Doctoral (Third Cycle) Studies
Study field
Chemistry, Chemical Technologies and Bio-Technology
Study form
Full-time studies

Awarded degree and qualification
Doctor of Science (Ph.D.) in Natural Sciences or Doctor of Science (Ph.D.) in Engineering and Technology
Required previous education
• Second-cycle higher education in the field of engineering or natural sciences, or equivalent education; or
• Second-cycle higher education in the field of medicine and health sciences or an equivalent education and an entrance exam.
Price per year
€ 10 700 - EU countries
€ 10 700 - Non EU countries
Credit point amount
Duration of studies
Full-time studies - 4 years
All year long

To provide the highest qualification corresponding to the doctoral level in the field of chemistry, chemical engineering, materials science and physics, as well as to prepare for pedagogical work.


General tasks of the study programme:
- to ensure competitive doctoral level education in chemistry, chemical engineering, materials science and physics corresponding to Bologna recommendations;
- to guarantee the highest education level in the selected fields of fundamental sciences, to provide skills to formulate and to solve independently scientific and practical tasks, to organize and to lead research work; to provide skills and experience necessary for pedagogical work.


A doctor of chemistry, chemical engineering, materials science or physics and astronomy is able to perform scientific work or lead a working group, which deals with developing appropriate methods and products, equipment and technologies, as well as to perform pedagogical work at the university level. The graduate of the study programme may work as a company manager or chief engineer in any company engaged in the production and/or processing of chemicals and/or materials, in R&D, testing and quality control laboratories engaged in the development of new products or their quality control, and also as a self-employed person or sole proprietor. The graduate can work as a leading researcher in scientific institutions.


Lifelong learning.