Material Science and Nanotechnologies

Material Science and Nanotechnologies

The study programme focused on the development of new materials and the use of modern technologies offers the acquisition of higher level technical education based on skills and competencies. In parallel with in-depth theoretical knowledge, the acquisition of practical skills is promoted not only in scientific institutes in Latvia, but also in manufacturing companies or foreign partner institutions within the ERASMUS+ mobility programmes specializing in “Materials Physics”, “Biomaterials”, “Traditional Inorganic Materials and Nanomaterials”, “Polymer Materials and Composites (including Nanocomposites)”. The study programme includes general study courses on modelling and calculation of physical processes of materials, creation of innovative products and technologies, various study courses of professional specialization, as well as internship, offering students opportunities to create a study plan according to individual interests. Graduates of the study programme will be able to work as technical experts, consultants and engineers in a manufacturing company engaged in materials processing and process modelling, development of new materials and technologies, product design, testing, certification and quality laboratories, as well as participate in innovative product development by founding a start-up company.

Short about programme
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology
Programme type and level
Academic Master (Second Cycle) Studies
Study field
Physic, Materials Science, Mathematics and Statistics
Study form
Full-time studies

Awarded degree and qualification
Master degree of engineering science in material science and nanotechnologies
Required previous education
Bachelor degree of engineering science in materials science or chemical technology or bachelor degree of natural sciences in chemistry or physics, or biology, or comparable education
Price per year
€ 4 830 - EU countries
€ 4 830 - Non EU countries
Credit point amount
Duration of studies
Full-time studies - 2 years

The aim of the study programme is to prepare progressively thinking, new technology and knowledge-oriented, highly qualified specialists in materials science and high value-added technologies, including nanotechnologies, with specialization in the following fields “Material Physics”, “Biomaterials”, “Traditional Inorganic Materials and Nanomaterials” and “Polymer Materials and Composites (including Nanocomposites)”, as well as for further doctoral studies.


The tasks of the study programme are:
- to ensure competitive academic master's level education in the European Higher Education Area in accordance with the Bologna recommendations, preparing students for work in leading positions, to develop skills of scientific research work and to promote their use;
- to provide students with in-depth knowledge in the chosen field of specialization, to develop expert skills and develop competencies not only to solve conventional everyday problems, but also tackle technically and scientifically challenging innovative problems both in accordance with labour market requirements and future industry development trends;
- to develop the student's skills in identifying problems, formulating goals and solving them, finding an opportunity to use both laboratory-wide infrastructure and industrial equipment in cooperation with the manufacturer;
- to promote knowledge transfer and develop the student's skills in presenting scientific results not protected by patent rights in international conferences and / or publishing in highly-ranked scientific journals;
- to stimulate the interest of students and graduates in doctoral studies, lifelong learning, as well as academic and scientific excellence.


The graduate of the study programme can be employed in virtually any field related to the development of new materials and modelling of properties for the creation of various innovative products according to consumer needs, selection of appropriate materials for technologically, ecologically and economically sustainable composite products, natural and synthetic materials (including wood, polymers, rubber, textiles, silicates, metals, biomaterials, semiconductors) and their various forms (monolithic body, fibre, coating, aerogel/hydrogel) for a specific product for use in construction, transport, energy, electronics, medicine, agriculture and other sectors. A materials scientist manages the development of new materials, manages the processes of material processing, monitors quality assurance, and convinces investors about the most promising investment opportunities in the development of innovative products. In turn, a specialist in nanotechnology is competent to work in high-tech companies on the development of new high value-added nanomaterials and their conformity assessment for innovative applications in energy, electronics, medical technology, transport, as well as other sectors of national economy. Thus, the field of work of both a material scientist and a nanotechnology specialist include innovative product development companies, new product development laboratories, product conformity assessment and quality control laboratories, and material technical expertise and certification centres.


After successful completion of the study programme, it is possible to continue studies in doctoral study programmes in Latvia and abroad, for example, in RTU doctoral study programme ”Chemistry, Materials Science and Engineering”.

Specific conditions

English language proficiency equivalent to at least CEFR B2 level.