Entrepreneurship and Management

Entrepreneurship and Management

Academic bachelor study programme “Entrepreneurship and Management” is implemented in accordance with Regulations No. 2 by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia “Regulations on the State Academic Education Standard” as of 3 January 2002 and the Resolution of RTU Senate “On the Structure of Bachelor Study Programme” as of 25 February 2002. The study programme is designed so as to develop students’ analytical skills and to promote acquisition of scientific research skills, to enhance their abilities to formulate research problems and find ways for their solution, to develop students’ intellectual abilities in the fields that coincide with their individual interests and meet the needs of the society, and to develop their understanding of the complexity of socio-economic processes.
In English the study program is being implemented only as full-time intramural studies.

Short about programme
Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management
Programme type and level
Academic Bachelor (First Cycle) Studies
Study field
Management and Administration, Real Estate Management
Study form
Full-time studies

Awarded degree and qualification
Bachelor degree of social science in management
Required previous education
General or vocational secondary education
Price per year
€ 2 070 - EU countries
€ 3 500 - Non EU countries
Credit point amount
Duration of studies
Full-time studies - 3 years
Autumn / Spring

The aim of the study program is to provide students with the theoretical knowledge of social sciences and to enable students to develop their research skills based on theoretical approaches in entrepreneurship and management, achieving particular learning outcomes of the study programme in accordance with the knowledge, skills and competences of level 6 of the European Qualifications Framework specified in the Classification of Latvian Education, as well as to qualify students to pursue Master’s level studies.


The tasks of the study programme are the following:
- to provide competitive education in entrepreneurship and management that corresponds to Bachelor’s level studies and meets international standards;
- to provide comprehensive theoretical and practical knowledge, developing students’ skills in accordance with the requirements set by the labour market;
- to develop awareness of the complex nature of socio-economic processes and to teach students to use the knowledge acquired in solving various socio-economic problems;
- to develop students’ analytical skills and to ensure they acquire scientific research skills and develop the ability to formulate problems and find solutions;
- to promote students’ interest in advancing their knowledge, improving their professional skills and continuing their education at master study programs.


Graduates have opportunities to work as Managers and Economic Specialists at various state institutions, banks, and private enterprises. They can also establish and manage their own enterprises.


Graduates may continue their education at the academic master and professional master study program “Entrepreneurship and Management” and “Economics”, or at any other master study program implemented by the Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management at RTU, as well as at master study programs and professional study programs at other universities, which enrol students with Bachelor’s Degree.

Specific conditions

Matriculation of the applicants to full-time undergraduate study programs (Day Department) is carried out on the competitive basis based on the result of the centralised secondary school examinations. In case of academic bachelor study program “Entrepreneurship and Management”, two best results out of the following study subjects – mathematics, physics, foreign language (English, German or French), and the Latvian language – are taken into account.