Logistics and Supply Chain Security

Logistics and Supply Chain Security

According to the demands of the global labour market, the study programme is designed to train senior supply chain managers, department managers, and/or business managers. The study approach places the most emphasis on enhancing professional and practical competencies based on scientific accomplishments, theoretical knowledge, and industry-specific details. In order to improve the use of professional terminology in the development of international business and successful collaboration with structures, institutions, organizations, and enterprises of other countries, the study courses are implemented in English while taking into account the specifics of the industry. The implementation of the learning process involves university academic staff, industry representatives, and highly qualified practitioners of the field, whose primary work and practical experience have evolved in companies and institutions in the field.

Short about programme
Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management
Programme type and level
Professional Master (Second Cycle) Studies
Study field
Transport Services
Study form
Full-time studies

1. version
Awarded degree and qualification
Professional master degree in supply chain management / supply chain manager
Required previous education
Professional bachelor degree and/or first cycle professional higher education in commercial sciences and administration, economics, law, engineering and technology, manufacturing and processing or construction thematic areas or comparable education
Price per year
€ 2 700 - EU countries
€ 2 700 - Non EU countries
Credit point amount
Duration of studies
Full-time studies - 1.5 years

2. version
Awarded degree and qualification
Professional master degree in supply chain management / supply chain manager
Required previous education
Bachelor degree in natural sciences, engineering, environmental sciences, economics, management science and administration or comparable education
Price per year
€ 2 700 - EU countries
€ 2 700 - Non EU countries
Credit point amount
Duration of studies
Full-time studies - 2 years

The aim of the study programme is to increase students’ professional competence for employment in the fields of logistics, supply chain management, and its security. It also aims to equip students with the research skills necessary to prepare specialists who can guarantee high quality throughout all supply chain processes as well as an understanding of the supply chain’s effects on the environment and responsible management.


The tasks of the study programme are:
- to provide competitive education at international level in the fields of logistics and supply chain security in line with the requirements of the master's level, profession standard qualification and international standards;
- to provide students with comprehensive knowledge, to develop analytical thinking, to develop skills and competences, as well as to promote practical work skills, preparing students for the labour market;
- to ensure the development and improvement of the content of the study program, the study process as well as the scientific research work in accordance with international practice and the latest software, scientific and technological discoveries and innovative methods;
- to stimulate students' interest in further professional development and improvement of academic knowledge, to continue their studies at doctoral level, in-service training, as well as to develop interest in research work and to promote the use of these skills;
- to encourage cooperation between students and academic staff in the field of scientific research, the practical application of the results of the research both in the study process and in practice, and to encourage international mobility and participation in local and international projects;
- to stimulate students' interest in social processes and to develop ethical and socially responsible personalities.


The supply chain manager defines the organisation's overall supply chain management strategy, its management and control, leads the team of employees involved in the supply chain, is responsible for improving the processes of the entire supply chain (covering all processes in the supply chain, from the extraction of raw materials and the production of final products to their distribution to the final consumer, t.sk. including the use of information systems necessary for the coordination of these activities, environmental protection, etc.), through innovation and technological innovation in the operation of the supply chain. Graduates of the study programme will work in companies engaged in logistics, international and domestic cargo or passenger transportation, wholesale, retail, production and provision of services, as well as in state and municipal institutions whose activities are related to the transport and / or logistics sector or provide for the management and organization of logistics services.


Doctoral studies.

Specific conditions

English language proficiency equivalent to at least CEFR B2 level.